Make no mistake, Florida is an amazing and beautiful state to live in, otherwise we and 21 million other Americans wouldn’t live here. Its sunshine, warm weather, its beaches, and attractions make it a very hot destination for people all over the world. It’s also home to some of America’s most famous cities.
Due to its sub-tropical and tropical weather climate, Florida also has some pretty extreme weather. And when it comes to roofing, Florida weather can put a lot of strain on roofs, requiring them to be repaired or replaced more often.
How Florida’s Weather Affects Your Roof
To accompany the article we wrote about the best roof types in Florida, we also wanted to give a brief overview of what kind of weather a roof needs to outlast when protecting your Florida home. Knowing this information can be helpful when choosing the best type of roof to install on your home or when conducting routine roof repairs.
For new homeowners, or for home buyers looking to buy a home in Florida, the type of roof your new home has and its condition are very important factors. Knowing the kind of weather you can expect will help you make the best decision.
*Again, this information is not to say Florida is a dangerous or rough place to live. This is strictly to help you make the best decisions about your roof.
Florida Heat
As the warmest state, Florida is known as the sunshine state because overall it gets a lot of sunshine and we experience many beautiful days without many clouds, where a bright blue sky provides an abundance of sun and heat. Unfortunately, extreme sunshine and heat are not great for roofs and their lifespan.
In addition to the direct strain Florida’s sun can put on the upward facing side of your roof, if your home has an attic or ceiling crawl space or ventilation space (which it should in order to keep your roof from growing mold) Florida’s sun can cause heat to rise upwards, causing blisters and cracks in some types of roofs.
Humidity & Your Roof
Florida’s extreme humidity impacts your roof and its lifespan. Due to poor ventilation excessive moisture can build up and create mold, damaging your roof and rotting away the wood that holds up your roof. Unseen or undetected mold can also creep into your home’s structure and create many other problems, including severe respiratory issues.
Rain Fall, Wind & Thunderstorms
According to the Florida Climate Center, Florida sees more thunderstorms than any other US state:

“Virtually all summer rainstorms are accompanied by thunder and lighting. No other part of the nation has more thunderstorm activity than Florida. In the western half of the peninsula in a typical year, there are over 80 days with thunder and lightning. Central Florida’s frequency of summer thunderstorms equals that of the world’s maximum thunderstorm areas: Lake Victoria region of equatorial Africa and the middle of the Amazon basin. The Amazon and east African areas maintain their frequency of thunderstorm activity throughout most of the year, whereas the number of thunderstorms in Florida drops off sharply in the fall and does not pick back up until spring.”
With over 5 feet of rainfall in a single year, rain, wind, and lightning give Florida roofs quite a beating. In addition to the direct damage they can cause, many Florida roofs are damaged and require roof repairs and roof replacements due to falling branches from oak trees and even entire palm trees that fall on top of nearby roofs.
Florida’s Tornadoes & Hurricanes
Due to the amount of storms, Florida sees an average of about 50 tornadoes in a single year, with the highest year being 115 torndaoes in 1997. While tornadoes are short, the weather leading up to them, including tornado watches and alerts, can be very damaging for Florida roofs.
Then there’s the subject of hurricanes. Hurricane season in Florida lasts for six months from June 1st to November 30th. The threat of hurricanes is very real for Florida during these six months. According to the Florida Climate Center:
“A common misconception in Florida is that there are parts of the state that do not get hurricanes. Since 1850, all of Florida’s coastline has been impacted by at least one hurricane. With its long coastline and location, Florida frequently finds itself in the path of these intense storms. The southeast coastline is extremely susceptible to a land-falling hurricane, followed by the panhandle. Areas around Tampa, Jacksonville and the Big Bend do not have as high of a risk of a direct strike from a hurricane but are still susceptible to a landfall each year. Even if the hurricane makes landfall elsewhere in the state, the impacts can be felt hundreds of miles away.”
No1 Home Roofing
For years, No1 Home Roofing has been a leader in roofing in Pinellas County, offering high quality service with highly competitive prices that can’t be beat.
No matter the damage caused by Florida’s weather conditions, No1 Home Roofing offers emergency roof repair and roof replacement services and will come out to your home and inspect your roof and provide a recommendation free of charge. If you need help to repair or replace your roof, contact us for a free onsite inspection.